Alies Sluiter

Musique pour le cinéma, la télévision et la publicité

Composer, musical director and violinist creating Asian-influenced music.

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As a composer, musical director, and violinist, Australian Alies Sluiter has performed in over fifty countries and three hundred cities. She received her Bachelor of Music Performance (Improvisation) from the University of Melbourne Victorian College of the Arts and her Master of Arts: Film and Television - Screen Composition from the Australian Film Television and Radio School. In 2012, Alies released the critically acclaimed Picture Box Orchestra album. The orchestra subsequently performed across Australia and internationally. Her award-winning composing, performing, and producing credits extend from feature films and documentaries to television, theatre, and dance productions. Her Asian-influenced music combines string and wind instruments to evoke a real feeling of the East, regardless of the track’s upbeat or melodic tempo.

Composer, musical director, and violinist. Her Asian-influenced music combines string and wind instruments to evoke a real feeling of the East, regardless of the track’s upbeat or melodic tempo.
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