Aysedeniz Gokcin

Musique pour le cinéma, la télévision et la publicité

AyseDeniz is a virtuoso classical crossover pianist and composer.

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AyseDeniz is a virtuoso classical crossover pianist and composer. Considered a child prodigy, she made her concerto debut in her native Turkey when she was just nine years old. With a Bachelors from Eastman School, New York and a Masters from Royal Academy of Music, London, she is now recognised internationally for her ability to unite the classical genre with rock music. Ayse was listed as one of the 20 under 40 Young Shapers of the Future of Music 2022 by Encyclopaedia Britannica, alongside Adele, Lil Nas X and Lorde. She has appeared on BBC News, Vogue and Classic FM and in BBC Music Magazine and Prog Rock Magazine. She is endorsed by The Arts Council England under the Exceptional Talent Visa. Her debut album for Audio Network is Patterns, which features 13 all-new compositions recorded with a 22-piece string orchestra.

Ayse was listed as one of the 20 under 40 Young Shapers of the Future of Music 2022 by Encyclopaedia Britannica, alongside Adele, Lil Nas X and Lorde.
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