Producteur et co-auteur qui a cotoyé The Who, Ed Sheeran et Paul McCartney
Chercher des albums, des playlists et des collections. Découvrir des remix et des morceaux similaires.
Specialising in genres from driving indie and classic rock to hip hop and funk, Gareth has been a producer, mixer, multi-instrumentalist or co-writer with artists including The Who, Noel Gallagher, Ed Sheeran, and Paul McCartney and his music has featured on a variety of brand campaigns. As a producer/mixer, Gareth’s ears are so valued by pro-audio brands that he is regularly invited to endorse their new products and does so for the likes of PMC, Neve, Gibson Guitars and Universal Audio.
He can deliver a unique audio identity, without restriction of genre or style.
Cherchez parmi plus de 250,000 morceaux originaux en filtrant par ambiance, style musical, instruments, BPM, émotion et bien plus encore. Notre outil de recherche et nos filtres puissants vous permettent de trouver le morceau idéal pour votre projet.
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