Mark Buys

Musique pour le cinéma, la télévision et la publicité

In-demand Australian composer and orchestrator with a diverse sound.

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Australian composer and orchestrator Mark Buy’s music carries him, as well as listeners, around the world. His sound, forged in an amalgamation of classical orchestra with genres and cultures, can be heard on screens and stages of all sizes. His vast knowledge not only makes his work unique, but also compels others to bring him onto projects to broaden their own work. The quality of names that he’s worked with is indicative of his immeasurable talents – household names like Hans Zimmer and Stephen Schwartz. Mark believes in passing his knowledge along to the next generation of creators, training young musicians and composers and lecturing across the United States on topics like Orchestration, Film Scoring, Music Technology, and Interactive Composition.

Australian composer and orchestrator Mark Buy’s music carries him, as well as listeners, around the world. His diverse sound can be heard on screens and stages of all sizes.
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