Martin Felix Kaczmarski
Musique pour le cinéma, la télévision et la publicitéMulti-instrumentiste avec une voix unique et un son reconnaissable entre mille
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L'histoire derrière la musique
Media composer and music maker Martin Felix Kaczmarski honed his craft as a singer-songwriter performing around London in an indie rock band. While Martin started learning the piano and violin, it was the siren wail of 60s guitar that shifted his leanings toward rock and roll. Earning a degree in Music Technology, he built up a studio, forged in a combination of classical instruments and modern production techniques, with an open ear toward what additional elements could compliment his sound. His songs often employ electronica with a strong, rhythmic low end to set the mood. His music has told the story of brands including Jaguar, Vespa, Vogue, Samsung, and the BBC.
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